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Affecting millions across the globe, Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, as well as in some men. Though its diagnosis can be staggering, knowing insights about the key types of it, symptoms and risk factors can help in early detection, seeking on-time medical intervention and is important in improving survival rates and reducing treatment complexity.

Classifying Breast Cancer

Unlike other cancers, breast cancer is not a single disease. It is rather a group of cancers that begin in the cells of the breast. Some of its types are: 

1. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ(DCIS): A non-invasive form of breast cancer that starts in the milk ducts and has not spread to surrounding tissues, DCIS is highly treatable and can be detected through routine screening.

2. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): One of the most common type of breast cancer, Making up to nearly 70-80% cases of the total affected people globally, IDC starts in the milk ducts but spreads to other parts of the breast tissue and might affect lymph nodes and other organs. 

3. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): One of the rare breast cancers, ILC starts in the milk producing glands and can spread to other parts through the blood or lymph system.

4. Inflammatory Breast Cancer: Having symptoms similar to breast infections, Inflammatory breast cancer, is One of the most aggressive invasive breast cancer that causes the breast to swell, redden and makes it look inflamed.

5. Paget’s Disease of The Breast: Another one of the rarest breast cancers, Paget’s disease is a skin condition where the cancer cells collect or affect around the nipple or Areola. It is also called the Mammary Paget’s Disease.

Some other rare types of breast cancers include Angiosarcoma, Soft tissue Sarcoma etc.

Diagnosing Breast Cancer
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Diagnosing breast cancer is not easy, symptoms of it can vary, however, certain common signs may include:

● Noticeable changes in size and shape of the breast.
● Hard, rigid, painless lumps in the breast or underarm. 
● Certain Changes in Skin color or texture including redness, dimpling of skin, etc. 
● Certain changes in Nipple including, nipple inversion, discharge or pain . Though not always such symptoms may lead to breast cancer, discussing it with your doctor can help in early detection and timely prevention in case of the worst situation. Developing breast cancer ! Multiple risk factors might be responsible or might increase the likelihood of it. Some of them may include: 
Knowing your family history is important, as inherited gene mutations like BRCA1 & BRCA2 do play a role in increasing the risk of breast cancer. 
● The risk of breast cancer increases with age. Normally women after 50 are more prone to it. 
Exposure to estrogens (Hormone) through early menstruation, late menopause, or hormonal replacement therapy can increase risk of breast cancer. 
● Certain lifestyle habits like alcohol, dietary habits that lead to obesity, lack of physical fitness, can increase the risk of breast cancer. 

Being one of the most common cancers globally, breast cancer can happen to anyone, but with early detection and advanced treatment options, prognosis continues to improve.. A Regular self exam and a mammogram scan can tell a lot. Feel like checking your symptoms with an expert! Contact Dr. Ranajit Kar, Odisha’s leading Radiation Oncologist. 

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