- drranajitk@gmail.com
Lip and Oral Cancers are one of the most common cancers in India today. It is a serious concern that affects hundreds and thousands globally. Understanding Lip & Oral cancers, its risk factors, symptoms etc can help in early detection, seeking on time medical intervention and increases survival rates.
What are Lip & Oral Cancers ?
Malignant tumours that grow/develop on the lips, tongue, cheeks, gums, etc are called Lip and Oral Cancers, which if left untreated can be life threatening. These typical sores or lumps can also spread to other parts of the body if untreated.

Various factors might be directly or indirectly responsible for the growth of it. Some includes:
- Intake of Tobacco in the form of Cigars, cigarettes, pipes, or chewing tobacco in the form of Pan masala, Gutkha, Betel, Khaini etc are the most common causes and significantly increase the risk of mouth ulcers or cancers.
- Frequent Consumption of Alcohol Along with tobacco use increases the risk of developing oral cancers.
- Extreme exposure to Sun without a lip guard or protection can increase the risk of lip cancers especially in fair-skinned individuals.
- Certain strains of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection like the HPV-16 can cause oral cancers.
- Poor Oral Hygiene and a diet especially low in fruits and veggies can contribute a lot to an increase in the risk of oral cancers.
Any cancer, be it oral, lungs or breast, if detected super early can save lives. And to detect it early, you need to learn or be on lookout for these warning signs or symptoms:
- Never-ending or continuous sores or ulcers in the mouth
- White/red patches on the gums, tongue, or interior cheeks,
- Sores or lump in the month, throat or Lips
- Complications in chewing, swallowing and tongue & jaw movement.
- Certain feelings of numbness in the mouth, throat and lips.
- Continuous sore throat.
- unexplained weight loss.
Seeing a doctor after facing any of the above signs for over a week is crucial and can save lives. Recognising early symptoms, and understanding the risk factors can lead to early diagnosis , effective treatment and be prevented. If you see or face any of the symptoms or signs for over a week, visit Dr. Ranajit Kar, HOD, HCG Panda Cancer Hospital.